Adsense Ads with Rounded Corners

Monday, July 02, 2007

Google has recently added support for rounded corners for it AdSense Ad Units. There are two variants for rounded corners: slightly rounded and very rounded, the latter having the sharper curve.

To sport these ad-units on your website, login to your AdSense account and select the most suited "Corner Style" from a list of Square corners, Slightly rounded corners and Very rounded corners.

Alternatively, you may add one of the following attributes to your AdSense code:

  • google_ui_features = “rc:10″; for very rounded corners
  • google_ui_features = “rc:6″; for slightly rounded corners
  • google_ui_features = “rc:0″; square corners
These rounded ad units go well with many web templates that sport rounded corners, a feature common in Web2.0 style sites.

Still not using AdSense? Start monetizing your website, click on the Google Adsense button at the right pane of this blog to get started.


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